Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Weekly Written Analysis 1

Movies can provide entertainment and it gives the viewers the chance to reflect on what is being shown as well as understanding the depths of the human heart. Nowadays, it is not common to find a movie that provides all the important things that portrays a good quality movie. In 2008, a movie titled Slumdog Millionaire received recognition for its innovation and multi –layered approach which was in line with popular culture.
The storyline was how an Indian teen became a contestant on the Hindi version of "Who wants to be A Millionaire?” It shows various times and lifestyles in India. Upon watching the movie, my perception of the movie is that, the movie gave me the chance to have a feel of a real informative movie which had a good story telling about two young boys and a girl and their transition of growing up over some period of time. The movie showed how the slums in India became modernized in some years later. Slumdog Millionaire explored the romantic love in a postmodern world. The life in the slums in the movie, contrasts the new world of globalization.
In conclusion, this movie has all the transition of how the slums in India became modernized within a period of time. This portrays popular culture.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Popular Culture

As the name sounds popular culture is derived from two words popular and culture. My interpretation of popular culture is the social life that goes on and shared by people with a common knowledge in a society.
According to University of Tampere department of translation studies, the definition is:
"Popular culture" may be defined as the differing forms of expression and identity which are characteristic of a particular society (whether local, regional, national, racial or ethnic, to mention only a few of the different definitions of "society" itself). Such forms of expression are how the "people" in such societies interact with each other; collectively, they form the "culture" via which the people identify themselves and their relations with each other”.
Popular culture in the business environment is important. Businesses have the responsibility to follow the direction of how the present world is advancing in technology. In this present moment, technology is very effective in daily activities and it has a greater impact on the business world. There are different modes of communication and businesses must be familiarized with these different types in order to reach the mainstream.
An example of popular culture is sports. Sports are a popular culture due to the fact that, it is played as well as watched by all social classes. Some sporting activities are NBA, NFL, Olympics, and etcetera. I have chosen sports because it is important in everyday living. Children are encouraged to be active daily in any sporting activity as well as adults. When it comes to the medical world, everyone is expected to be involved in a sporting activity in order to be healthy. According to psychology website, “participation in sport, exercise, and physical activity affects an individual's psychological development, health, and well-being throughout the life span”.